

Stuttering is a speech disorder classified by repetition of sounds or syllables, blocks, or the prolonging of sounds. Interruptions in the normal flow of speech is another common symptom of stuttering.

At Mind Body Voice and Speech, our therapists employ a variety of techniques to help with stuttering, such as:

  • Slowing down the rate of speech

  • Meditating and practicing mindfulness

  • Managing situations in which stuttering becomes worse

  • Encouraging fluid speech patterns

Speech, Language, and Cognitive Therapy

Aphasia is a condition that robs you of the ability to communicate or understand information, often following a stroke or a head injury. Following diagnosis of aphasia, common treatment includes speech and language therapy.

Our therapists are experienced in rehabilitating individuals afflicted with aphasia. Techniques include:

  • Relearning and practicing language skills

  • Developing individual and listener strategies for improved daily communication

  • Using technology-assisted treatment

Apraxia of Speech

When afflicted with apraxia of speech, there is a disconnect between what a person wants to say and what sounds are produced in the mouth. The brain must actively learn to move the lips, jaw, and tongue in ways that result in accurate sounds.

Our speech language pathologists can diagnose if you or a loved one suffers from apraxia. Recovery includes:

  • Direct shaping of sounds and syllables

  • Using visual, tactile, and sensory input to mimic movement sequences for speech

  • Supplementing speech using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), including alphabet boards, gestures, and/or speech generating devices


Symptoms of dysarthria include weakness or difficulty controlling the muscles used for speech. It is often characterized by slurred or slow speech that is difficult to understand.

In addressing patients suffering from dysarthria, the therapists at Mind Body Voice and Speech will:

  • Train strategies to improve speech intelligibility

  • Teach oral motor strengthening exercises

  • Adjust articulation, rate of speech, breath support as needed

Cognitive Disorder

Cognitive disorders are a group of disorders characterized by impairments in memory, multi-tasking, problem solving, social communication, and ability to learn new information. Changes in cognitive abilities may occur due to brain injury, stroke, progressive neurological disease, or healthy aging.

Our therapists will use a wide variety of treatment on the areas of need, such as:

  • Applying specific strategies to everyday problems

  • Memory training

  • Developing tools to self-monitor and evaluate performance